The Law and Practice of Charities in New Zealand Susan Barker, Michael Gousmett and
   Ken Lord (
LexisNexis, 2013) click here  

       "a valuable and unique resource that will provide comprehensive guidance"

       "thought-provoking ... insights and commentary"
      Juliet Moses, NZLJ April 2014 at 92

       "a welcome addition to the reference materials available to lawyers and others 
      involved in the charitable sector ... [containing] an extremely comprehensive and in-
      depth analysis of the statutory framework on taxation laws as they relate to 
      charitable entities ... [and] a comprehensive outline of financial reporting and 
      obligations for charities around anti-money laundering"
Sarah-Jane Weir, LawTalk 833 6 December 2013 at 29

       - cited with approval by the High Court in Invercargill City Council v Attorney-General
        [2014] 2 NZLR 127 at [28] and Burnett Mt Cook Station Charitable Trust [2016] NZHC 
        2669 at [60]

       - the New Zealand Law Society's "Book of the Month", LawTalk 821 21 June
         2013 at 23 

Invercargill City Council v AG.pdf Invercargill City Council v AG.pdf
Size : 110.986 Kb
Type : pdf

Contributor to Professor Rosemary Langford (ed) Governance and Regulation of Charities: International and Comparative Perspectives (Edward Elgar, 2023) click here

Contributor to Professor Matthew Harding and Daniel Halliday (eds) Charity Law: Exploring the Concept of Public Benefit (Routledge, 2022) click here 

Contributor to Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes and Bob Wyatt (eds) Regulating Charities: the Inside Story (Routledge, 2017) click here

 - L Caneva Charting 25 years of charity regulation - and its impact on the future Pro Bono Australia, 18 May 2017 click here

 - Book review by John E Tyler III Nonprofit Policy Forum 2017 16 November 2017 click here

Contributor to Dr Karen Martyn Corporate Governance: a practical handbook - 2nd edition (Wolters Kluwer, 2016) click here

Contributor to Julia Batchelor-Smith Balancing work and life: a practical guide for lawyers (LexisNexis, 2014) click here

Sue Barker is honoured to have been awarded the 2019 New Zealand Law Foundation International Research Fellowship Te Karahipi Rangahau ā Taiao, undertaking research into the question "What does a world-leading framework of charities law look like?". The report from the Fellowship, Focus on purpose, was released in April 2022 and can be found here. Thank you so much to the New Zealand Law Foundation Te Manatū a Ture o Aotearoa, the Charity Law Association of Australia and New ZealandCarleton University, the Bishop's Action Foundation, Trust Democracy, the Council of International Development, Not for profit Resource, Community Networks Wellington, Community Networks AotearoaCarters Barristers and Solicitors (Ottawa), the JR McKenzie Trust, Steven Moe of Parry Field Lawyers, Philanthropy New Zealand, Community Waitakere, the University of Western Australia, John Godfrey & Associates, LEAD, Liz Gibbs, the National Council of Women of New Zealand Inc, and so many others for their support. Feedback includes the following: 

"Warmest congratulations on the publication of this landmark report. It will surely influence charity law and policy for years to come, and not only in New Zealand. Money very, very well spent by the Law Foundation!"

"... sincere congrats to Sue who put so much into getting this report right! If the legislators follow her example, the new      charity law should be a model for others"

"The report will prove to be a marvellous reference tool for international charity law comparisons ... you have produced much more than a report on what the law should be in New Zealand. Your report is actually a text book on comparative charity law in major common law jurisdictions. We as a firm will certainly benefit from what you have done, so I want to thank you [for] a wonderful resource!"

"This is an absolutely remarkable piece of work ... deep analysis, interesting comparative data and very thoughtful and relevant recommendations ... simply for doing this work I convey my deep appreciation. I sincerely hope that it will be taken very seriously in Aotearoa New Zealand!"

"Big congratulations on your mahi. I ... am deeply impressed by its width and depth ... it will be an important academic resource due to the number of sources it has synthesized and provided commentary on"

"Thanks so much Sue. What an impressive, important and useful piece of work!"

"This is such an impressive piece of work - monumental. I think the Law Foundation got a lot of value from the fellowship they granted, as will charities policy in NZ!"

"... an amazing piece of work ..."

"Your work is important. Well done"

" ... an absolute masterpiece ... "

" ... excellent and very thorough ..."

"... the most comprehensive report on charity law I have ever seen, anywhere. This is a tremendous resource not only for the issue of future law reform, but also to help understand the current context."

... your work has really helped me to understand and appreciate how much we need charities. They're 'by the people for the people', to give the people what THEY want and need to be a healthy society. That's truly democratic and inclusive."

" ... extremely interesting. It will be very useful for other jurisdictions considering charity law reform, either wholesale reform or the reform of one aspect, and more widely as a resource on international charity law"

"your outstanding juxtaposition of enabling and restrictive was ... very clarifying and enlightening"

"... a page-turner ..."

Comment on World Gospel Bible College Charitable Trust v Commissioner of Inland Revenue 17 May 2024 ACPNS Legal Case Notes click here 

Discussion with Mike Hosking NewstalkZB NZ charities are in a "dire and reasonably existential state" 3 April 2024 click here

TVNZ One News Gloriavale 27 March 2024

Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive Wellsford Volunteer Fire Brigade being required to return Headhunters donation 12 March 2024 click here

M Nippert Waipareira's controversial campaign loan repaid, executive salaries skyrocket NZ Herald 10 February 2024 click here

Honoured to work with Seed the Change | He Kākano Hāpai and Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand and others  to produce a booklet on the Charities Amendment Act 2023 - what charities need to know, released on 3 October 2023. The booklet can be downloaded here

Commentary on the decision of the Court of Appeal in Better Public Media Trust v Attorney-General [2023] NZCA 553 - see M Mcgregor-Lowndes and F Hannah (2023) ACPNS Legal Case Notes Series: 2023-140 Better Public Media Trust v Attorney-General 2022-93 14 November 2023 click here 

Legalwise Changes for charities: Incorporated Societies Regulations 2023 13 October 2023 click here

Discussion with James King regarding the Charities Amendment Act 2023, charities running businesses, and the 2023 election 8 October 2023 click here

RNZ New charities law little more than 'tweaks' say critics 7 August 2023 click here

Discussion with James King regarding the Charities Amendment Bill 9 July 2023 click here

Honoured to be cited by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research in their February 2023 report to the Productivity Commission: Working together - re-focusing public accountability to achieve better lives click here

Discussion with James King regarding the Charities Amendment Bill 11 June 2023 click here

Discussion with Sean Plunket regarding charities and donations to political parties/candidates click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policy 1: press pause on the Charities Act changes 18 January 2023 click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policy 2: widen eligibility for donee status 25 January 2023 click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policies 3 and 4: public interest journalism and promoting amateur sport                 2 February 2023 click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policy 5: Imputation credit refundability 9 February 2023 click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policy 6: Protect charities running businesses 17 February 2023 click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policy 7: Reinstate the Charities Commission 22 February 2023 click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policies 8 and 9: Unclaimed money and a civil society strategy 3 March 2023 click here

Legalwise Ten election policies for charities - Policy 10: Carrying out a proper, first principles, post-implementation review of the Charities Act 2005 10 March 2023 click here

LinkedIn Charities Amendment Bill - 13 questions 9 November 2022 click here

Submission to the Productivity Commission on their Interim report A fair chance for all - breaking the cycle of persistent disadvantage 7 November 2022 click here 

NewstalkZB Starship Children's Hospital declines $570,000 donation 2 November 2022 click here

Legalwise Charities Amendment Bill - a wolf in sheep's clothing? 26 October 2022 click here

M Nippert [Charities Services] probes John Tamihere campaign funding NZ Herald 28 September 2022 click here and [Charities Services] alleges Waipareira donation was 'serious wrongdoing' 12 October 2022 click here

Honoured to have been mentioned in Parliament on the first reading of the Charities Amendment Bill 28 September 2022 click here 

Call to halt the Charities Act "modernisation" process 16 September 2022 click here

LinkedIn The Supreme Court decision in Family First - a gift to the forces of authoritarianism? 5 July 2022 click here (reproduced in The Capital Letter, 19 July 2022)

Honoured to be asked to provide comment for M Mcgregor-Lowndes and F Hannah (2022) ACPNS Legal Case Notes Series: 2022-93 Attorney General v Family First New Zealand 3 July 2022 click here

NewstalkZB Charities law expert on Supreme Court's ruling on Family First 29 June 2022 click here

RNZ Family First does not qualify for charitable status, Supreme Court rules 28 June 2022 click here

TodayFM Charity law expert Sue Barker 28 June 2022 click here

RNZ Charity reforms insult to the sector 3 June 2022 click here

LinkedIn Charities beware - the government is trying to remove your rights of appeal - again! 5 June 2022 click here

RNZ Ex-church members want Celebration Centre charity deregistered 1 June 2022 click here

Honoured to be asked to present to the Advisory Board of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission about the Focus on purpose report in May 2022 click here

Conversation with Ros Rice from Community Networks Aotearoa 24 May 2022 click here

The Capital Letter Business not inherently nefarious for charities 10 May 2022 click here (subscription may be required)

Honoured to be asked to provide comment for the ACPNS Legal Case Notes Series: 2022-47 Registration decision: New Zealand Entrepreneurs Rescue 9 February 2022 click here

Transparency International Newsletter What does a world-leading framework of charities law look like? 9 December 2021 click here. The article was reproduced by IndianNewsLink on 14 December 2021 click here

Stuff #taxmegachurches? It's not that simple 19 November 2021 click here

Newshub Legal expert says Destiny Church unlikely to be deregistered as charity despite 12,000 people signing petition 
17 November 2021 click here  

Austaxpolicy: Tax and Transfer Policy Blog Do businesses run by charities have a competitive advantage? 17 November 2021 click here

Charities Act review update and letter to the Minister of Finance September 2021 click here

Community Networks Wellington presentation and selection of papers responding to targeted consultation for the review of the Charities Act July 2021 click here

Charities law reform - third update 8 July 2021click here

Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand submissions to the Supreme Court as intervener in the Attorney-General's appeal in the Family First litigation June 2021click here

Unresolved issues in New Zealand charities law - the charitable purpose test [2021] New Zealand Law Journal 130, May 2021

CCH Webinar - Charities law update 2021 16 June 2021, 2.30-3.45pm click here 

CAANZ NFP SIG webinar Not-for-profit tax updates Tuesday 18 May 2021, 4-5pm

Charities law reform - second update 3 May 2021: click here 

Unresolved issues in New Zealand charities law [2021] New Zealand Law Journal 49, March 2021 

Hui E! webinar Charities law reform - why it matters 17 March 2021 click here - for a copy of the powerpoint presentation, click here

Charities law reform - first update 10 February 2021: click here

Alliance Magazine blog What does a world-leading framework of charities law look like? 9 February 2020 click here

Unresolved issues in New Zealand charities law: ascertaining purpose 4 February 2020 click here

Advocacy by charities: what is the question? (2020) 6 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 1 click here

 Charity regulation in New Zealand: history and where to now (2020) 26(2) Third Sector Review 28

What is the best structure for the agency(s) that administer charities' legislation in Aotearoa New Zealand? co-design sprint workshop facilitated by Mele Wendt MNZM from the Centre for Social Impact, Thursday 26 November 2020-Friday
27 November 2020
, click here and here 

Responding to covid-19 - how might we #buildbackbetter online conference hosted by the Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, in conjunction with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, with support from Charities Services Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai, 4 November 2020 1-5pm, click here

    Webinar on the topic of advocacy by charities, organised by the Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, 
    1 October 2020 4pm NZT click here

    Contributor to The Capital Letter IN FOCUS: Sue Barker on charities law developments 9 September 2020 click here

    Honoured to be asked to provide comment for the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies' Legal Case Note series on the Court of Appeal decision upholding the charitable registration of Family First New Zealand, September 2020 click here

    Honoured to be asked to provide comment, along with other commentators from around the common law world, for the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies' Legal Case Note series on the recent decision of the New Zealand High Court confirming Greenpeace's registration as a charity August 2020 click here

    NewstalkZB Greenpeace wins right to register as a charity 10 August 2020 click here

    Honoured to be asked to provide comment from a New Zealand perspective for the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies' Legal Case Note series on the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in Lehtimäki and others v Cooper July 2020 click here

    Legalwise webinar Charities law: navigating the road to recovery and beyond 21 July 2020 click here

    Legalwise What does a world-leading framework of charities law look like? 23 June 2020 click here

    CCH webinar Charities law update 2020 Wednesday 17 June 2020 2.30-3.45 click here

    Election forum 10 June 2020, organised with Hui E! Community Aotearoa, ComVoices, Trust Democracy, click here 

    TV One news Charities lose millions of dollars with fundraising almost impossible during lockdown 19 May 2020 click here

    Honoured to be part of the "expert's pick" for the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies' quarterly case notes summary - first quarter of 2020 click here

    CCH Webinar Governance of charities and other not-for-profits 2020 26 March 2020 click here

    Legalwise webinar Not-for-profit law critical updates and The Trusts Act and the impact on charities 12 March 2020 click here

    Sue Barker is honoured to have been a visiting fellow at the University of Western Australia Law School, March 2020

    Charities law needs shakeup, Fellowship winner says, LawTalk Issue 935, 29 November 2019 click here

    Susan Barker wins International Research Fellowship New Zealand Law Society, 28 November 2019 click here

    CCH Webinar Governance of charities and other not-for-profits 2019 Tuesday 19 November 2019

    See also Governance of charitable trusts - and how the new Trusts Act 2019 might impact 6 December 2019 click here

    Developing a community-led response to the review of the Charities Act - A consortium of 12 philanthropic trusts provided funding to Dave Henderson from Trust Democracy and Sue Barker to undertake some empirical research to feed into the review of the Charities Act. With the help of Strategic Grants, a questionnaire was created to gather input to feed into the review. Parry Field Lawyers, Grant Thornton, and RSM Hayes Audit provided venues for initial consultation meetings for the research. We received over 500 responses to the survey, which is a brilliant result, thank you! The results of the survey can be found here. Our report to our funders (via a webinar kindly hosted by Philanthropy New Zealand) can be found here. See also the presentation by Dave Henderson to the 2019 Charity Law conference here at about 26:24. For more information, please click here and here. Thank you very much to all for the fantastic support we have received!

    The review of the Charities Act Fundraising New Zealand magazine, Series 31.2 May 2019 at 3

    Victim Support right to hold off on Christchurch payouts - lawyer NewstalkZB interview, Mike Hosking 7 May 2019 click here

    CCH Webinar Charities law update Tuesday 11 June 2019

    Future prospects for charity law, accounting, and regulation conference, organised by the Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand in partnership with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and with support from Charities Services, at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington 11-12 April 2019 click here

    • Session 1 - Do charities need to be "regulated"? click here
    • Session 7 - Review of the Charities Act click here

    The review of the Charities Act concerns prompt survey New Zealand Law Society, Legal News 14 February 2019click here 

    Legalwise News Significant issues with review of the Charities Act 10 January 2019 click here

    Legalwise News Charities Act review and importance of having input into the process 22 November 2018 click here

    Legalwise Not-for-profits, trusts and charities law symposium Thursday 1 November 2018 0900-5.15pm, The Grand Mercure, Auckland

    CCH Webinar Update on the review of the Charities Act Tuesday 27 November 2018 10.30-11.45am

    Charities law update 2018 CCH Webinar, Tuesday 12 June 2018 2.30-3.45

    Perspectives on charity law, accounting and regulation conference, organised by the Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand in partnership with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and with support from Charities Services, at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington 26 and 27 April 2018 click here

    • Session 2 - Are there too many charities in New Zealand? click here

    Newstalk ZB Greenpeace being denied charitable status very disappointing - expert 21 March 2018 click here

    The Rise and Fall (?) of two Charities Commissions: How Common Law Countries can Learn from the Experiences in New Zealand and Australia Fiona Martin, Susan Barker, Marina Nehme and Elen Seymour, New Zealand Universities Law Review 27 (2017) 4B December 2017 click here

    Social enterprise in New Zealand - an overview CCH webinar 28 November 2017

    Destiny Church charities caught out by 2015 law change NewstalkZB interview, Mike Hosking 23 November 2017 click here 

    Community Minister says Destiny Church charity decision made on 'sound grounds' Victoria Young, National Business Review,  23 November 2017 click here

    RNZ Checkpoint interview Government wants to be able to punish uncooperative charities 23 November 2017 click here

    Newshub Why Destiny Church might avoid a tax bill despite charities' deregistration 23 November 2017 click here

    Otago Daily Times School donation rebates under review 26 October 2017 click here

    RNZ Checkpoint interview Destiny Church founders move into new "resort" home 24 October 2017 click here

    NZ Herald Mt Albert Grammar appeals to parents to fund new buildings 19 October 2017 click here

    RadioLive interview Two of Destiny Church's charities set to be stripped of tax-exempt status 3 October 2017 click here


    Proud to be awarded Best Boutique Law Firm 2017 at the APAC Insider New Zealand Business Awards, see p114 of the APAC       Insider June 2017 issue


    The Wire 95bFM Monday 29 May 2017 Charity registration - the difference between life and death click here


    TVNZ Q + A, Sunday 21 May 2017 on freedom of expression and the Charities Registration Board's decision to deregister Family First 


    RadioLive Drive with Alison Mau The issues with becoming a charity 17 May 2017 click here


     Indirect public benefit, by Sue Barker and Raina Ng [2017]  
     New Zealand Law Journal 96, April 2017 



    CCH webinar Charities law update Tuesday 13 June 2017 2.30pm


    Newsroom Inside Gloriavale: The Official Story 28 March 2017 click here

    RNZ New financial reporting rules for registered charities 23 February 2017 click here

    Stuff Kiwis Against Seabed Mining to challenge charitable status snub 6 January 2017 click here


    Sue Barker is honoured to be a guest lecturer at the University of Otago Laws 485 Charity Law summer 2017, and to be an invited speaker at the University of Melbourne Law School Masters Course Charity Law for the 21st Century November 2016


    Sue Barker is honoured to have been described in Parliament as "the person in the country with the most expertise in this area of law" (Charities Amendment Bill 71-2B second reading, NZPD Vol 718 1 November 2016) click here


    Social housing - the canary in the coalmine, by Sue Barker and Raina Ng, Fundraising New Zealand magazine, November 2016  at 10.

    Stuff Charities regulator risks becoming censor if Destiny Church is booted 25 November 2016 click here


    Sue Barker Charities Law is honoured to have been awarded Boutique Tax Law Firm of the Year - New Zealand at the 2016 CorporateLiveWire 2016 Legal Awards


    Stuff Charity wins in High Court 3 October 2016 click here


    22 September 2016, Government Administration Select Committee recommends that the proposal to remove charities' rights of appeal be struck out, click here


    Sue Barker Charities Law is honoured to be a finalist for the Boutique Law Firm of the Year at the 2016 New Zealand Law Awards


    In September 2016, Sue was made an Honorary National Life Member of the National Council of Women of New Zealand Incorporated, for her work assisting the Council to regain their charitable registration


    New Zealand charities regulation and the Charities Amendment Bill, presentation to the Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand 2016 Conference, Melbourne, 25-26 August 2016


    LinkedIn "Let them eat cake" - what Brexit should tell us about charity regulation in New Zealand 9 July 2016 click here.

    LinkedIn Charities beware: the government is trying to remove your rights of appeal 3 July 2016 click here

    See also information about the Charities Amendment Bill and its proposal to remove charities' rights of appeal from Hui E! Community Aotearoa, New Zealand Trustees' Association, Community Housing Nga Wharerau o Aotearoa, Canterbury Migrants' Centre noticeboard, Platform Trust submission, and ActionStation petition. 


     IRD Obligations and the NFP sector - a tax update, Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand, Not-for-profit
     Special Interest Group, Wednesday 18 May 2016 4.30-6pm, level 7, 50 Customhouse Quay, Wellington


    CCH webinar Charities law update Tuesday 14 June 2016, 2.30-3.45


    Fiscal consequences, by Sue Barker and Grace Collett [2016] New Zealand Law Journal 102, April 2016 click here



    CCH webinar Governance of charities and other not-for-profits 2016 22 March 2016, 2.30-3.45


     Sue Barker Charities Law is honoured to have been voted
     Boutique Charities Law Firm of the Year - New Zealand, in  the 2015 Corporate LiveWire Awards


     Sue Barker Charities Law is honoured to be a finalist for
     the Boutique Law Firm of the Year award at the 2015 New
     Zealand Law awards, click here

    Boutique Law Firm of the Year 2015.jpg Boutique Law Firm of the Year 2015.jpg
    Size : 509.189 Kb
    Type : jpg

     Small scale charities struggle to keep status, TV 3 interview, Wednesday 2 September 2015


     RSM Hayes Audit Charities - the legal definition, changes and impact, 28 September 2015, 4.30-7pm, click here


     Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Auckland not-for-profit special interest group
     29 September 20150730-9am


    CCH webinar Governance of charities and other not-for-profits Tuesday 18 August 2015 2.30-3.45pm


    The Bonfire of the Charities, presentation to the Tax Special Interest Group of Chartered Accountants New Zealand and Australia, 27 July 2015

    Tax SIG flyer.pdf Tax SIG flyer.pdf
    Size : 375.303 Kb
    Type : pdf


    Australian Charity Law Association, Unstable, unpredictable, unstoppable? The changing legal climate for charities, 27-28 August 2015, Brisbane

    ACLA Conference 2015.pdf ACLA Conference 2015.pdf
    Size : 481.998 Kb
    Type : pdf


     CCH webinar Charities law update Tuesday 16 June 2015,  2.30 - 3.45pm



     National Business Review The bonfire of the charities,
     27 May 2015

    NBR27May2015.PDF NBR27May2015.PDF
    Size : 21072.675 Kb
    Type : PDF


     The presumption of charitability post-Greenpeace [2015] New
     Zealand Law Journal 116, April 2015, cited by the High
     Court in Re Family First New Zealand [2015] NZHC 1493 (30
      June 2015)


    The National Council of Women litigationTaxation Today, Thomson Reuters, March and April 2015, issues 81 and 82


    Charities risk deregistrationRadio New Zealand National, 22 January 2015


      Victoria University of Wellington, Centre for Accounting,
      Governance and Taxation Research, Seminar:
     Taxation issues for charities and not-for-profit organisations
     Thursday 26 February 2015, 0815-1145

    nfp-seminar-series-4-programme.pdf nfp-seminar-series-4-programme.pdf
    Size : 403.156 Kb
    Type : pdf


     Charity wins in High Court, 16 December 2014, click here 


     10 CPD Points in One Day Legalwise seminar 24 February
     2015, The Intercontinental, Wellington

    10 CPD Points in One Day 24 February 2015.pdf 10 CPD Points in One Day 24 February 2015.pdf
    Size : 537.688 Kb
    Type : pdf


     IRD, the charities regulator and a charity, Fundraising New
     Zealand magazine, November 2014 at 10-12

    IRD, the charities regulator and a charity.PDF IRD, the charities regulator and a charity.PDF
    Size : 17447.503 Kb
    Type : PDF


     Sue Barker Charities Law is honoured to be a finalist for
     the Boutique Law Firm of the Year award at the 2014 New
     Zealand Law awards, click here

    Boutique Law Firm of the Year 2014.jpg Boutique Law Firm of the Year 2014.jpg
    Size : 334.287 Kb
    Type : jpg


     CCH webinar The Supreme Court decision in Greenpeace - unintended consequences Tuesday 4 November 2014, 2.30 - 

      Some comments by attendees:

      "Sue has excellent knowledge of the area and I would love to attend more webinars presented by her"

      "Clear explanation of the Supreme Court decision"

      "good coverage of topic"


     SC decision garners problems and prospects for charities 
     ADLSI LawNews by Matthew Lark,3 October 2014

    ADLS LawNews 3 October 2014.PDF ADLS LawNews 3 October 2014.PDF
    Size : 49082.405 Kb
    Type : PDF


     The charity taking on the IRD in the High Court, Interview with Kathryn Ryan, Radio New Zealand National, Nine to Noon,
     Monday 29 September 2014


     The myth of charitable activities [2014] New Zealand Law 
     Journal 304, September 2014

    The myth of charitable activities.PDF The myth of charitable activities.PDF
    Size : 1018.523 Kb
    Type : PDF


     Hundreds affected by Supreme Court turn on Greenpeace - lawyer, National Business Review, 7 August 2014


     What next for Greenpeace, interview with Mike Hosking, NewstalkZB, 7 August 2014


     Supreme Court updated definition of charity 'a win for democracy', New Zealand News, 7 August 2014 


     Ruling gives protest groups hope, Marlborough Express, 7 August 2014, click here


     Win for charity in the High Court: National Council of Women of New Zealand
     Incorporated v  Charities Registration Board [2014] NZHC 1297 (10 June 2014)


     The Bonfire of the Charities, Fundraising New Zealand magazine, May 2014

    TheBonfireoftheCharities.PDF TheBonfireoftheCharities.PDF
    Size : 26202.571 Kb
    Type : PDF


      The Australian Nonprofit Sector Legal and Accounting Almanac 2013, Myles McGregor-Lowndes, Queensland University of
      Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 2014 (see in particular chapter 4.2 for a 2013 calendar of developments in New Zealand)
      click here


     Deregistered charities [2014] New Zealand Law Journal 87, April 2014 

    Deregisteredcharities.PDF Deregisteredcharities.PDF
    Size : 533.165 Kb
    Type : PDF


       Appealing decisions of the charities regulator, paper prepared for the Auckland District
       Law Society Seminar Charity begins at...developing perspectives on charity law
       1 and 3 April 2014

    Some comments from attendees:

     - "Excellent resource/handout"

     - "Very valuable seminar paper - I am sure I will be referring to it in the future"

     - "The presenters were very knowledgeable"

     - "Excellent seminar"

     - "Many thanks. Excellent."


      3 February 2014, Submission on the Taxation (Annual Rates, Employee Allowances, and
      Remedial Matters) Bill, which proposes to implement tax changes for deregistered charities,
      and community housing providers


      Sue Barker Charities Law voted New Zealand's Boutique Law Firm of the Year, and 
      first runner-up for the Tax Law Firm of the Year award at the 2013 New Zealand Law Awards, 
    click here



      The Growth in Charities Law by Elliot Sim, New Zealand Law Society, 2 August 2013 click here


      The Australian non-profit sector legal and accounting almanac 2012, Myles McGregor-Lowndes, The Australian Centre for
      Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, Queensland University of Technology, July 2013 (for discussion from a New Zealand
      perspective, see in
    particular chapter 5.3 Charitable purpose and advocacy: Greenpeace of New Zealand Incorporated) click here


       National Council of Women of New Zealand - Te Kaunihera Wahine o Aotearoa
       Circular No 562, May 2013 NCWNZ wins back charitable status


    CircularMay2013.PDF CircularMay2013.PDF
    Size : 345.289 Kb
    Type : PDF


     Te Waha Nui, 22 May 2013 Family First – charity or political movement? 

     The Auckland Herald, 7 May 2013 Family First finds unlikely ally in charitable status 


     Poor relations and the prevention of poverty [2013] New Zealand Law Journal 110, April 2013 

     NCWNZ wins back charitable status, 19 April 2013 click here


      The presumption of charitability [2012] New Zealand Law Journal 295, October 2012 



    The presumption of charitability.pdf The presumption of charitability.pdf
    Size : 0 Kb
    Type : pdf

      Internal Affairs cracks down on charities, Stuff, 23 September 2012: click here

      Speaker at Charities Commission's Charitable purpose forum, Te Papa, April 2012


     Submission on the Taxation (Annual Rates, Returns Filing and Remedial Matters) Bill on behalf of a coalition of insolvency    practitioners, February 2012: click here


      Chartered Accountants' Journal, June 2011 Are all Charities equal?


    CA Journal Are all charities equal.pdf CA Journal Are all charities equal.pdf
    Size : 486.594 Kb
    Type : pdf


        The Dominion Post Charities being tossed to the dogs on technicalities 4 June 2011 


     TVNZ interview, 30 May 2011 


      NZLawyer 8 April 2011 Charities Act review  

    NZLawyer Charities Act review.pdf NZLawyer Charities Act review.pdf
    Size : 430.272 Kb
    Type : pdf

      How can PTEs perform more successfully in 2011, Mai Chen and Susan Barker, NZAPEP PEPTalk, Christmas 2010


      Canterbury Development Case [2010] New Zealand Law Journal 248, August 2010 

    NZLJ Canterbury Development case.pdf NZLJ Canterbury Development case.pdf
    Size : 378.913 Kb
    Type : pdf

      Can your charity escape the anti-money laundering regime? Chapman Tripp Brief Counsel, 24 August 2010 by Susan Barker and 
      Penny Sheerin: click here


      Anti-money laundering regulations and codes of practice proposed 11 August 2010 by Susan Barker and Penny Sheerin, Chapman Tripp

      Submission on the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Bill, August 2009: click here 

      Supplyfest, the sniff test and expenses occasioned by the sale - an indirect tax update, prepared for Conferenz One-Stop Update
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      Submissions on behalf of various charities on the Charities Bill, 2004

      Presentation to the Charity Gaming Association on the Charities Bill, 19 May 2004

      Can Company Directors rely on tax advice, Institute of Directors Boardroom August 2003, reproduced in Accounting, Corporate 
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